april 30 - may 3, 2020
- A long weekend connecting and learning with runners and coaches from all over the world -
The Peak Run Performance Virtual Running Retreat we will be athlete driven.
Throughout the weekend we will discuss and learn about:
Essential Elements of Endurance:
Daily and Performance Nutrition
Running Form
Running Gait Analysis
Injury Prevention
Yoga for Runners
Cross Training for the Long Run
Gaining confidence and competence on all surfaces and distances
And much more
Registration for the entire Peak Run Performance Virtual Running Retreat includes participation in all scheduled discussions as well as the additional virtual social gatherings. Recordings of the presentations will also be available to retreat participants after the retreat. Those who participate in the entire retreat will also receive the Peak Run Performance Swag Pack (T-Shirt, mug, stickers, temporary tattoos, etc.)
If you are not able to dedicate the entire weekend to the Virtual Run Retreat, but would like to sign up for individual presentations / discussion, please register through the button below:
* All times are in Mountain Standard Time
2:00 PM Welcome / Retreat Overview
3:00 PM Running Form Cues & Dynamic Warm Up with Jacob Puzey
4:00 PM Run to practice using Running Form Cues on undulating terrain
6:00 PM Virtual Happy Hour with Introductions (be prepared to share a bit about yourself)
FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2020
9:00 AM Running Mechanics & Gait Analysis with Malc Kent
10:30 AM Foundational Training Principles with Jacob Puzey
12:00 PM Break for Lunch
1:00 PM Cross Training (Cycling & HIIT) for Runners with Manu Vilaseca
2:30 PM Yoga for Runners with Manu Vilaseca
4:00 PM Nutrition for Athletes with Carla Rodriguez PhD
6:00 PM Break for Dinner
9:00 AM Fundamental Running Injury Prevention with Malc Kent
10:30 AM Cross Training (Water & Strength Training)for Runners with Carla Rodriguez PhD
12:00 PM Break for Lunch
1:00 PM Applying Training Principles to Training Plan Design with Jacob Puzey
2:30 PM Panel Discussion - Trail & Ultrarunning with Carla, Eric, Gerard, Manu, and Jacob
4:30 PM Dinner & breakfast prep - sharing recipes and meal ideas
SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2020
9:30 AM Finding the right fit - Running shoe discussion with Jacob & Malc
11:00 AM Brunch (that we make the night before) & Retreat Recap
12:00 PM Farewell